Sunday 13 October 2024

Raw Devotion

 As we grow old, we become wiser but more logical. However in life the most relevant things are the ones that cannot be understood by ones intellect. As a parent to a now 4 year old, i experience the beauty of the unknown with every passing day. 

The devotion that this beautiful soul has is unfathomable. We can only see some glimpses of its depth if we are aware and totally present. 

Being in the vicinity of highest energy, at our Bangalore Ashram during the auspicious time of Navratri, the devotion was so evident that it won hearts of thousands gathered. 

The eyes shine so bright and are so deep diving in devotion, it is completely unmistakable. 

The divine works in mysterious ways, one just has to be totally available and surrender to the highest force with complete innocence.

The conviction and faith my little one had manifested itself in the Maha Ashtami satsang.

The communication that happens with words is very shallow and superficial. But the communication that happened between Pranavi and Gurudev was completely heart to heart. 

No words were being used, but hearts were united. 

There was so much physical distance but the souls were merged. 

When a drop meets the ocean, it loses its identity but becomes the ocean. No two remains. It loses itself but there is no lack, there is only abundance.

Similarly when a devotee and divine meet, the devotee doesn't remain, there is only divinity everywhere.

The world cheered as a witness to this amazing union where what remained was only love.

They say the soul chooses its parents, I feel beyond blessed to be chosen by this beautiful soul. Today I remember that during my entire pregnancy, I only wished for a devotee soul to come to my womb and every passing day I am a witness to this utmost devotion which is so raw and pure, it is not conditioned by the worldly norms. The devotion that drives this life and makes it all worthwhile. 

I remember Gurudev shared once that a devotee is Antevasi - one who stays in the heart of the master. Being there and seeing it raw is a reminder that there is no other better place to live.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Happy Guru Purnima

'Gu' means 'darkness' and 'ru' means 'destroyer'. So Guru means the one who removes you from darkness.
So many times in our lives, we feel that we are stuck in this world and are drowning in the problems. We feel that our life is filled with darkness.
Gurudev so beautifully says that darkness has no existence, it is merely absence of light. The movement light comes, darkness goes away. Similarly, presence of a Guru brings so much light in our lives, all the darkness simply vanishes away. 
It is just till we are facing opposite of light that we see the shadow, the movement we turn around and face the master, the shadow simply vanishes.

Kabir Das Ji beautifully said "सब धरती कागज करूँ, लेखनी सब बनरायसात समुंदर की मसि करूँ, गुरुगुण लिखा न जाय". Meaning: Even if the whole earth is transformed into paper with all the big trees made into pens and if the entire water in the seven oceans are transformed into writing ink, even then the glories of the Guru cannot be written. So much is the greatness of the Guru.

On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima, I feel immense gratitude to be chosen on this beautiful path by my ever so loving master. 
Thank You Gurudev for giving us this beautiful life.

Sunday 7 April 2019

Life, A Blessing !

Unfortunate are those who keep desiring yet their desires are not fulfilled.
A little fortunate those whose desires get fulfilled over a long time.
More fortunate are those whose desires get fulfilled as soon as they arise.
Most fortunate are those who have no desires because there is fulfillment even before the desire arises.

More and more you stay with the Master, faster your journey moves towards the 4th category.
The more one stays on the path, the more awareness one has, more the realization dawns of being the 'chosen one', of 'being picked' by the master. Aho! What a blessing!

Spending time in HIS Presence keeps giving one such beautiful realizations.
The Holi meeting, the Glimpse, the eye contact, the Ganga Dip, the Satsang, the Darshan, the Goodbye....have collected a pandora of memories to keep refilling the love and longing in me untill next time.

Soaked in love, Drenched in Devotion

Hugging the Bundle of Love

Thursday 24 December 2015

23 December 2012

23 December 2012 marks a very special date for me. Exactly 3 years back, on this very day Guruji blessed me to be a Divine Instrument. Those 15 days are still so fresh. Just a memory of the journey fills my heart with gratitude. I still remember with all my faith and a dream to serve the master I entered our Bangalore ashram for the Teacher’s Training Course. Little did I know at that time, that this one decision would change the entire life and these 15 days would become the most memorable and life changing days. I still remember how one by one, petal by petal Guruji opened us to blossom like a Rose. How it all happened is still a wonder to me.
I remember our teacher – Girin bhaiya saying that TTC is not just a teacher’s training course, it is Total Transformation of the Consciousness. And yes, the transformation did happen on all possible levels!
It is difficult to relate to what I was before those 15 days and how the entire consciousness just blossomed and transformed.  Since, the day I came back, every day of my life has become amazingly special. Today, it’s been 3 years; well it just feels like yesterday but yes 3 years! A lot has changes in and around me in 3 years.
HE said, you will not have any need unfulfilled in life and if I see, my life has been full of abundance. A sense of fulfillment has dawned and there is nothing which seems to be missing in life.
It feels as if he has picked up a stone and raised it to a level of worship. Just being his mere instrument, one gets so very much in life, that there is no time to think if anything is left. So many wishes I got on this special day, so much love is showered just coz someday HE decided to choose me.
My heart fills up with gratitude when I think and see how my life is transformed just because this one Divinity chose me. I am overwhelmed with the love I receive and am soaked with Bliss for life has become such a Blessing.
On this special day, I just pray and wish that for this lifetime, may this body and Soul be used for HIS work, for HIS mission of One World Family and for Spreading Smiles on this planet 

Monday 21 September 2015

Close to the Master

Guruji was here for Bhagavad Gita discourse and the Janamashtami Celebration. During this visit, I had a chance to do a lot of Swadhyay. Majority time waiting for him went into introspection, so I am sharing what I realized all the more during this amazing trip we had with HIM.

We all want to be close to the master. But one extremely important thing to realize here is that it is not the physical proximity that actually matters. I know we all love being in HIS Physical Presence, nothing can be even counted close to that. And not to forget, our constant efforts to go near him; being inside the house, to standing very next to HIM, to sitting in the nearest car, to sitting in the same car and the list is endless. We do all that to be closest to HIM. And we are not wrong, who on this planet would not want to be close to HIM.

But what I realized this time is a step further. Being close to Him physically won’t even matter if you are not close to HIM from your heart. During this visit, there were instances when I was inside the same house, standing next to him and all the amazing moments I could dream of. But there were few realizations as I said. The most amazing memory of this trip was not when I was inside the house and physically in close proximity to him but when I was sitting far away and yet could feel his presence in my heart. What I got in a session sitting far away is beyond expression. And it dawned to me that it is not just his physical presence, HE has been saying it time and again, and it is a lot more than that. Coz he is just not the body, HE is far above that. I am sure we all have had those times, where we just FEEL him, Feel Close to HIM even if we can’t see him. Hold onto those moments of life coz they are the most special ones. For these make your heart full, the sweet tears roll out, these are a gift, a gift for the tremendous love we have for him, for the amazing and wonderful longing we have.

This is a time when the realization that “You, Guru and God” are the same dawns on the experiential level. The moments like these make you realize how loved you are and how precious you are to HIM. He truly has his own ways to make you feel close.

Quoting HIM:

You are with the Master to share the joy of the Master, to share the consciousness of the Master. For that, you have to empty your cup of what is already in it. So you share that with the Master. You share whatever you have and don't judge, "Oh, that is garbage." The Master is ready to accept any garbage of any extent. However you are, he will embrace you. He is ready to share. You only have to share from your side.

So don’t be stuck in your ways, coz you would miss out then when he attempts to give you, an experience of life time! Of the ultimate bliss and the ultimate closeness one can feel. So empty your cup and let HIM fill the same for you coz HE knows the BEST. :)

Jai Gurudev !