Thursday, 29 November 2012

Without You Where Would I Be?

Without you where would I be?
A Body without life
A Sun without light
A Moon without night
An Eye without sight

Without you where would I be?
Ear that doesn't hear
Tongue that doesn't taste
Nose that doesn't breathe
Skin that doesn't feel

Without you where would I be?
A Fish without water
A Bird without wings
A House without roof
A Sugarcane without juice

Without you where would I be?
Leg that doesn't walk
Mouth that doesn't talk
Air that doesn't blow
Seed that doesn't grow

Without you where would I be?
A Fish without water
A Body without life

Without you where would I be?

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Oh My Dear..... :)

Despite all my efforts, I have never been able to express my feelings; my Gratitude for having a Master in my life.
One of the attempts to put it in words is as follows:

Oh My Dear…
I can't describe...
It feels so good...
That's why you have to understand only...

Oh My Dear…
I can't describe...
What it feels to have a Guru in life...
Its like having a life on light...

Oh My Dear...
You won't understand...
What it feels when besides you someone stands...
It’s like with you the divinity stands.

And everyone stands to see what it feels like,
When you get a glimpse of that Smile,
Oh my dear.....its mine,
Oh my dear.....its mine.
The experience is so Divine,
Total fullness without Wine
The Sun Sparkles, the Stars Shine;
To Salute to this Power of Divine.

Yes it’s my dear, When he is near;
It is just He who exists,
And nothing else is there.

Believe me dear, when he is beside,
Then it is what is called Divinity personified.

Oh my dear, I can't describe
What it feels to have a Guru in life.


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Me & My Wonderland

"Angels are ready to serve you and crown you with the highest. 
Don't stop before that. 
Come to me, come to me." 

When I first read this, they were just a few lines from a poem, I wasn't able to relate them to my life.
But lately I have realised how it has been happening in my life. 
If I carefully analyse my life, I can see Angels serving me...I feel I am being carried by an Angel, who is with me on each and every step of this journey called Life. 
It is like I am climbing some stairs, growing by leaps and bounds in my life. But I don't have to worry about keeping my steps carefully because someone is so beautifully carrying me. I don't have to worry that I would fall, because I know he'll never let me. The hold is so strong that I cannot deviate from the path. 
The path full of love, it is like the nature, the environment, everybody and everything is supporting me on this journey. 
I don't have to wish, I have the wishes fulfilled. The desires are taken care of, even before they arise. 
All I have to do is follow the 3S formula: Sadhna (my daily meditation), Sewa (serve), Satsang (company of knowledge) which I anyways love doing and I have all my wishes fulfilled.
He rightly says: you just do these 3 things and you won't have a want in life. And everything starts happening effortlessly, without even realising that I am doing something, a lot is done. Everything is achieved, all dreams fulfilled. 

It is as if I am somewhere in some wonderland where everything is just for me, just to make me feel Special, to make me feel more Grateful, just to fulfil my desires, just to pamper me, to make my life full of love. 
And living in my wonderland, I Smile for no reason, I am happy, dancing, joyful for no big reason. For u need no reason to be happy so Smile dil se :) and you will see the nature Smiles with you. 

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Love at First Sight - Sri Sri :) :)

An attempt to express the inexpressible:

Love at first sight - Sri Sri

Love is when he is near, and you can feel him, his presence.

Love is when he is coming, and you get ready to look your best in front of him. 

Love is when you just get a glimpse of him, and it is like you have got the Best thing in the world. 

Love is when his just One Smile, makes you forget the entire world. 

Love is the feeling of dissolving, being one with the Divine. 

Love is when you feel HE is YOU. YOU are HIM. 

When you feel there is no two, just one.

Love is when you are happy without a reason. 

When you have a constant Smile on your face, you are Blossoming without a reason. 

Love is when you have that Blissful feeling,

When you feel that you are being taken care. 

Love is when you Smile with all your existence. 

Love is being in his presence, feeling his presence

Love is when you long for him, 

Love is when tears of gratitude flow for him. 

Love is the feeling of nothingness and also the feeling of oneness. 

Love is not an emotion, it is all your existence. 

Love is you, love is me, love is everything n everybody :)

Love is when you just dance irrespective of the fact that you are in office or road ;)

Love is not expressible, it just IS. 

Love is longing to get a glimpse and feeling his presence with you at the same time. 

Love is when you feel it n say, 'I belong to you and you belong to me'. 

Love is standing n struggling in the crowd of thousands yet for another glimpse. 

Love is when you know n feel that even amidst 1000s he is seeing you, smiling to you. 

Love is when you feel the whole nature is dancing with you longing for him. 

Love is seeing him in everybody and everybody in him. 

Love is being mad n being totally illogical for nothing else n nobody makes sense. 

Love is when on listening all lovely songs you see him n just him with you, n you can dedicate all of them to him. 

Love is when the relationship is so special and so personal that you cannot explain it. 

Love is Sri Sri. 

Without You..!!

Sometimes the gratitude flows like this....

Without u, Who I am?
I don't exist, 
I am just a drop in the ocean.

Without u, Where would i be?
A drop in the ocean has no seperate identity
You are my world, you complete me.

Without u, What would I do?
For my existence would be waste, just another lifetime to go through
It would be mere existence, living is with you.

It is said that when its time, your guru finds you,
And once found would never leave you.

The journey of life is the same, a game of play & display
You make me realise the director behind the roles played.

I am nothing, just a part of you,
I am you, you are me.
You make me special, you make me true.
This world is so full of love, when I have you.

Whatever I am, I am a part of u,
Without you, I am nothing true.
I my dear Guru, belong to you.

I Promise

Ever since I thought of writing a Blog, thinking of what post would be, could not think of a post better than this. 'I Promise' is a poem written by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji, whom we lovingly call as Guruji. Today, Its been 2 and a half years, I have been connected with Art of Living and with time I have experienced every word of this poem in my life. Whenever I feel low or there is a rough time in life, this poem has kept me going.

I Promise

If I had to promise you something, what would it be?
I can't promise that you would always be comfortable...
Because comfort brings boredom n discomfort.
I can't promise that all your desires will be fulfilled...
Because desires whether fulfilled or unfulfilled brings frustration.
I can't promise that there will always be good times...
Because it is the tough times that make us appreciate joy.
I can't promise that we will be rich or famous or powerful...
Because they can be pathways to misery.
I can't promise that we will always be together...
Because it is separation that makes togetherness so wonderful.
Yet if you are willing to walk with me, if you are willing to value love over everything else,
I promise that this will be the most rich n fulfilling life possible.
I promise your life will be an eternal celebration,
I promise you I will cherish you more than a king cherishes his crown,
And I shall love you more than a mother loves her newborn.
If you are willing to walk into my arms,
If you are willing to live in my heart,
You will find the one you have waited forever...
You will meet yourself in my arms...
I Promise.
                                                                    ......Sri Sri