We live in a world where everybody is running a rat race. A race where we want to achieve more and nothing is enough.
We want to achieve more and more and more. We want more money, better house, better job, better position, better car. However much we have, we still want to achieve something more and that is probably what keeps us going.
And the higher ladder we aspire to climb, the bigger steps we take. Little do we realize that in all this running, we have forgotten to stop and relax. We have forgotten to just realize that in the process of achieving more whose achievement it is. We work hard and hard and harder but who gives us the opportunities. We may think we chose our opportunities and en-cash them but who puts a thought in the mind to make decisions.
Whatever we do, whatever we achieve we are guided by something inside us. Some magical power, which in a very subtle way makes sure that we exactly get what we need. Again, I said need and not want. There is something or someone or some power which makes sure we exactly get need we want in life. In the midst of running and achieving and more running, take out few moments and ponder upon the fact that somehow something happens and the deal is cracked; and the dreams are fulfilled; the opportunities come forward and everything ends the way it should be, may not be the way we thought :P
Lets just relax and realize we always do get the best that should come. Everything just sets in like a movie and at the end the hero wins in spite of the struggle. The only difference in the movie and life is that the director doesn't make us realize that he is directing.
The giver is giving in such a way that we think it is our achievement.
And the moment this realization dawns, one can be nothing but grateful for HE chose us to be the hero and we didn't even realize.
Take a moment to be aware and be grateful, I am sure you will be in love with movie of your life then, coz the director just makes sure that the hero wins.
We want to achieve more and more and more. We want more money, better house, better job, better position, better car. However much we have, we still want to achieve something more and that is probably what keeps us going.
And the higher ladder we aspire to climb, the bigger steps we take. Little do we realize that in all this running, we have forgotten to stop and relax. We have forgotten to just realize that in the process of achieving more whose achievement it is. We work hard and hard and harder but who gives us the opportunities. We may think we chose our opportunities and en-cash them but who puts a thought in the mind to make decisions.
Whatever we do, whatever we achieve we are guided by something inside us. Some magical power, which in a very subtle way makes sure that we exactly get what we need. Again, I said need and not want. There is something or someone or some power which makes sure we exactly get need we want in life. In the midst of running and achieving and more running, take out few moments and ponder upon the fact that somehow something happens and the deal is cracked; and the dreams are fulfilled; the opportunities come forward and everything ends the way it should be, may not be the way we thought :P
Lets just relax and realize we always do get the best that should come. Everything just sets in like a movie and at the end the hero wins in spite of the struggle. The only difference in the movie and life is that the director doesn't make us realize that he is directing.
The giver is giving in such a way that we think it is our achievement.
And the moment this realization dawns, one can be nothing but grateful for HE chose us to be the hero and we didn't even realize.
Take a moment to be aware and be grateful, I am sure you will be in love with movie of your life then, coz the director just makes sure that the hero wins.
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